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Monday, March 12, 2007

"...Aggressive municipal government measures to protect our environment."


Banning garbage bags. Great decoy. How about the pollution particulates from burning trailers. More pollution is created from the burning of one trailer than 20 years of shopping bags. Pollutant particulates that have a diameter of less than 0.1 microns are defined as "ultrafine particles" — particles so small they can easily deposit deeply into the lungs, agitating asthma and some cardiovascular illnesses. Lung cancer and heart disease are commonly known as diseases related to high exposure of ultrafine particles that can be inhaled.
Our children inhale this. Not too many children inhaling shopping bags...

Mr Lahey, our mayor, is a big fan of George Dubya. No wonder Leaf Rapids' new motto is Albertans & Americans are IN, Aboriginals and those on Assistance are OUT.

Who is on the B of D for the LRCDC? Seems they have been making decisions about the future of our community behind closed doors. Transparency? Community Involvement? George Orwell?

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